Healthy habits for children

Healthy habits for children


Healthy habits for children. For children of this age, maintaining (or starting) to lead a healthy lifestyle, including having balanced meals, as well as getting plenty of exercise and enough sleep every day, is extremely essential. Everyone wants their children to be happy and safe.

  • Kids learn by example, and parents are the first and primary example kids have when it comes to creating healthy habits on their own. Research by Duke University suggests “limiting access to junk foods at home and incorporating parental policies supporting family meals increased the amount of healthy foods kids ate.”
  • Adults actually need 30 minutes of exercise a day, whereas kids should receive 60 minutes of time to stay active. You can model exercise and physical activity for your kids by finding a fun activity everyone can enjoy.
  • The most important aspect of growing up is to encourage your child to make healthy food choices. Your child will adopt good habits if they start early. Educate your child about the importance of having a nutritious diet and encourage them to read food labels.
  • According to experts, family time is extremely important for a growing child. Plan times for everyone in the family to get moving together. Take walks, ride bikes, go swimming, garden or just play hide-and-seek outside. Everyone will benefit from the exercise and the time together.
  • Good personal hygiene will help your kids stay healthy, ward off illnesses, and build better self-awareness. Encorage children to keepp themselves and their surroundings clean.
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